Data Structures Tutorial

This course work provides the fundamental design, analysis, and implementation of basic data structures, basic concepts in the specification and analysis of programs, principles for good program design, especially the uses of data abstraction, the significance of algorithms in the computer field, various aspects of algorithm development, and the qualities of a good solution.
This course work provides the fundamental design, analysis, and implementation of basic data structures, basic concepts in the specification and analysis of programs, principles for good program design, especially the uses of data abstraction, the significance of algorithms in the computer field, various aspects of algorithm development, and the qualities of a good solution.

Basics of Data Structures
4. Various data structures
5. Built-In Data Structures
6. User-Defined Data Structures
7. Data structures versus data types
8. Operations on data structures
9. Algorithm complexity
10. Big O notation

1. Introduction
2. Understanding pointers
3. Usage of pointers
4. Arithmetic on pointers
5. Memory allocation
6. Memory management functions and operators
7. Debugging pointers - dangling pointers
8. Memory leaks

Data Structure Arrays
1. Arrays
2. Lower Bound and Upper Bound
3. Addressing an Element at a Particular Index for One Dimensional Array
4. Multidimensional Arrays
5. Two Dimensional Array
6. Implementation of Data Structures
7. Record
8. Unions
9. Sparse Matrix
10. Implementation of Transpose

Data Structure Stack
1. Stacks
2. Sequential Implementation of Stack
3. Operations
4. Polish-Notations
5. Evaluation of A Postfix Expression
6. Infix to Prefix
7. Infix to Postfix
8. Applications of Stack

Data Structure Queues
1. Queues
2. Sequential Implementation of Linear Queues
3. Operations on Queues
4. Circular Queues
5. Priority Queues
6. Applications of Queue
7. Stack vs Queue

Data Structure Linked Lists
1. Linked Lists
2. Need of Dynamic Data Structure
3. Continuous and Linked Implementation of list
4. Operations on Lists
5. Dynamic Implementation of Linked List
6. Comparison between array and Dynamic implementation of Linked Lists
7. Linked Implementation of stack
8. Linked Implementation of Queue
9. Circular Lists
10. Implementations of Primitive Operations
11. Doubly Linked List
12. Continuous and Dynamic Implementations of doubly Linked List
13. Operations on doubly Linked List
14. Applications of Linked Lists

Data Structure Trees
1. Tree
5. External and Internal Nodes
6. Binary Tree Traversals
7. Representation of Infix, Postfix and prefix expression using Trees
8. Representation of Lists as Binary Tree
9. Binary Search Trees
10. Types of binary search trees
11. Properties of Binary Search Trees
12. Properties of Binary Search Trees
13. Implementation of Binary Search Tree
14. Expression trees
15. B Tree
16. B+ Tree
17. AVL Trees
18. Threaded Tree
19. Binary Tree vs. Threaded Tree
20. Balanced Multi way search Tree
21. Applications of Tree

1. Introduction
2. Directed and Undirected Graphs and Networks
3. Basic Graph Terminology
4. Representation of Graph
5. Shortest Paths
6. Graph Traversal
7. Spanning Forest
8. Minimal Spanning Tree
9. Computer representation of Graph

Hash Table
1. Direct Address Tables
2. Hash tables
3. Hash Function
4. Implementation of Hash Functions
5. Collision Resolution Techniques
6. Probabilistic hashing
7. Problems with hash tables
8. Applications of Hashing

Sorting & Searching
1. Introduction
2. Basic Searching Techniques
3. Uniform Binary Search
4. Introduction to Sorting
5. Selection Sort
6. Insertion Sort
7. Bubble Sort
8. Merge Sort
9. Radix Sort
10. Heapsort
11. Quick Sort
12. Comparison of Algorithms

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