Saturday 4 April 2020

Dynamic Initialization of Variables in C++

How to Initialization of Variables in C++?
Initialization of variables during the run time is called dynamic initialization of variables. In C++, a variable can be initialized at run time using expressions at the place of declaration. For example, the following are valid initialization statements.

int i;
float avg=i/10;
The variable avg is initialized only during run time, because the value of i is available during run time only.  Thus both the declaration and initialization of a variable can be done simultaneously at the place where the variable is used for the first time. The following two statements in the example
float average;
average = sum/i;         //declare where it is necessary
can be combined into a single statement:
float average = sum / i;                      // initialize dynamically at run time
dynamic initialization is extensively used in object-oriented programming.

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