Thursday, 2 April 2020

Database Languages

Database Languages
SQL has proved to be a very effective language for heavy databases. The following are the capabilities of SQL.
1.      Data Definition Language (DDL).
2.      Data Manipulation Language (DML).
3.      Data Control Language (DCL)
DDL: DDL provides commands for creating objects (tables, views, functions, indexes, procedures etc) in a database. The CREATE, DROP, ALTER are the important commands for SQL as DDL. Following is the list of DDL commands
¨      Create: To create objects
¨      Alter: To alter the objects created by create statement.
¨      Drop: To delete the obsolete object
¨      Rename: To rename the objects
¨      Grant: To allow the user to have privileges
¨      Revoke: To withdraw or change what you have granted to user
¨      Comment: To add a comment in data dictionary

DML: Once the table has been created in oracle, DML statements help us to manipulate or change the data. These commands are most frequently used (mostly used)
¨      Delete: Remove the rows from table[ do yourself]
¨      Insert: To add a new row in table
¨      Select: To show the rows in table in different format and queries.
¨      Update: To change the contents of one, some or all rows of  a table.

TCL or DCL: These commands manage the changes made by DML statements & they are  
¨      Commit:  To save the changes permanently in the table after changes in table.
¨      Rollback: To get the table in previous state when some DML commands has been given by mistake or on the wrong object.
¨      Savepoint: Set the point up to which the rollback command is to work.
¨      Set transaction: Establish properties of a transaction.

Embedded SQL: All the sql statements, DML statements, DDL statements and DCL commands can be grouped into a one body. This group can be created by applying special SQL statements - these SQL statements are known as Embedded SQL statements. When this body is executed then all the statements in body will automatically executed. For example a user defined function is the best example of E SQL, which may contains a SQL statement, commit, and rollback or update commands. Some of the E SQL statements are :
¨      Define : Define cursors
¨      Open : Open cursors
¨      Declare: To declare variable types and assign value to them.
¨      Execute : To execute commands on SQL prompt
¨      Fetch: To read rows from a cursor.

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