Saturday, 4 April 2020

Enumeration Data Type & Boolean Type in C++

Enumeration Data Type
An enumeration type is a user defined type that enables the user to define the range of values for the type. Named constants are used to represent the values of an enumeration, for example:

enum weekday {monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday};
weekdaycurrentDay = wednesday;
// do something

The default values assigned to the enumeration constants are zero-based, so in our example above monday == 0, tuesday == 1, and so on. The user can assign a different value to one or more of the enumeration constants, and subsequent values that are not assigned a value will be incremented. For example:

enum fruit {apple=3, banana=7, orange, kiwi};

Here, orange will have the value 8 and kiwi 9.

Boolean Data Type
The Boolean type can have the value true or false. For example:

boolisEven = false;
boolkeyFound = true;

If a Boolean value is converted to an integer value true becomes 1 and false becomes 0.
If an integer value is converted to a Boolean value 0 becomes false and non-zero becomes true.

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