Thursday 9 April 2020

Bitwise Operators

Bitwise operators are used for manipulation of data at bit level. These operators are used for testing the bits, or shifting them right or left. Bitwise operators may not be applied to float or double data type. It is applicable to integer data types data only. Following are some bitwise operators.

Bitwise Logical AND
Bitwise Logical OR
Bitwise Logical XOR
Left shift
Right shift
One's complement

1. & (Bit-wise AND) : Binary operator takes two operands of int type and performs bit-wise AND operation. With same assumption on int size as above:
int a = 5;          [binary : 0000 0101]
int b = 9;          [binary : 0000 1001]
a & b yields     [binary : 0000 0001]

2. ¦ (Bit-wise OR) : Binary operator takes two operands of int type and performs bit-wise OR operation. With assumption that int size is 8-bits:
int a = 5;          [binary : 0000 0101]
int b = 9;          [binary : 0000 1001]
a | b yields       [binary : 0000 1101]

3. ^ (Bit-wise Logical XOR) : XOR gives 1 if only one of the operand is 1 else 0. With same assumption on int size as above:
int a = 5;          [binary : 0000 0101]
int b = 9;          [binary : 0000 1001]
a ^ b yields      [binary : 0000 1100]

4. << (Shift left) : This operator shifts the bits towards left padding the space with 0 by given integer times.
int a = 5;          [binary : 0000 0101]
a << 3 yeilds    [binary : 0010 1000]

5. >> (Shift right) : This operator shifts the bits towards right padding the space with 0.
int a = 5;          [binary : 0000 0101]
a >> 3 yeilds    [binary : 0000 0000]

6. ~ (one’s complement operator) : It is a uniary operator that causes the bits of its operand to be inverted so that 1 becomes 0 and vice-versa. The opearator must always precede the operand and must be integer type of all sizes. Assuming that int type is of 1 byte size:
int a = 5;          [binary : 0000 0101]
~a;                   [binary : 1111 1010]

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 Previous TopicConditional Operators 

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