Friday, 17 April 2020

Dynamic Implementation of Binary Tree

Implementation of Binary Trees
A node of a binary tree can be represented as:

            Struct btree 
             int data;
            struct btree *left ;
             struct btree *right

 Fig: Node of a Binary Tree

In the above structure two pointers of struct btree type are defined. One points to the left child of this node and other points to the right child of the node.

Algorithm to implement a Binary Tree proceed in two phases. The first phase builds a binary tree, and the second traverses the tree. In the first phase as we read, the number for insertion into a Binary Tree, is compared with the contents of a node in the tree, a left branch is taken if the number is smaller than the contents of the node and a right branch is taken if it is greater or equal to the contents of the node. Code to implement this is given below:

insert (struct btree *s, int num)

            {                       /*s is a pointer points to the existing tree*/
                        struct btree *temp, *p;
                        temp = malloc(sizeof(struct btree));
                                    temp -> data =num; temp -> left=temp -> right = NULL;
                        if(s==NULL)/*if current tree is input*/
                                    while(p -> left != NULL && p -> right != NULL)
                                                if (p ->data<=num) //if num is greater
                                                p=p ->right ; //than p  data go Right
                                                p=p ->left; // else go left
                                    if (p->data <=num)
                                                p->right =temp;
                                                p->left =temp;
The functioning of the above code can be explained through an example. Suppose we have to make a tree with the following data :
            5, 3, 7, 8, 2, 4, 6, 1.
When 5 came the tree was empty hence tree is formed having only one node pointed by temp and s. Both the child pointers of this node are NULL.
Then next number is 3. In the while Loop this number is compared with 5 because 5 is greater than 3, control is moved to the left child of 5 which is NULL. After exiting from while loop 3, is attached to the left of 5 Next number is 7 which is greater than 5 hence, it is attached to the right of 5. Proceeding in the same manner the Binary tree of Fig. below is produced.

Such a binary tree has the property that all elements in the left subtree of a node n are less than the contents of n, and all elements in the right subtree of n are greater than or equal to the contents of n. Binary Tree with this property is called a Binary Search Tree.
In the second phase we can Traverse a Tree in either of the three fashions(ie. Inorder, Preorder, Postorder). A Recursive Method can be used to traverse a Binary Tree. The method starts by checking whether the tree is empty or not. If the tree is not empty i.e. our pointer s of struct btree type doesn't point to NULL then we will proceed. Depending upon the desired fashion of traversing, we will call recursively the traversing function by passing either left child pointer or right child pointer of the node as an argument. The function to implement this is given below:
            /* Inorder Traversing of a Binary Search Tree */
                        inorder (struct btree*s)
                                    if (s!=NULL)
                                                printf("%d", s->data);                                              
                                    }           inorder(s->right);
                        }           return;
            /*Preorder Traversing of a Binary Search Tree*/
            preorder (struct btree*s)
                        if (s != NULL)
                                    printf("%d",s ->data);
                                    preorder(s ->left);
                                    preorder(s ->right);
            /* Post order Traversing of Binary Search Tree */
            postorder (struct btree *s)
                        if (s!=NULL)
                                    postorder (s ->left);
                                    postorder (s ->left);
                        }           printf("%d", s ->data);

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